The Art of Traditional Head-Tying (2014)
Produced by
Presented by
Playwright: Kanika Ambrose
Director: Virgilia Griffith
St. Volodymyr Institute Theatre
July 2nd, 2014 – July 13th, 2014
What and where is home? “If the values, people, and traditions of the place I call home have changed, where is my home now?” 20 years after immigrating to Canada, Rosemarie Jon-Charles Hicks is going back to her home island, Dominica, to teach a series of head-tie workshops. While there, the people she encounters will have her facing just this question. (Toronto Fringe Program, 2014.)
Kanika Ambrose | Performer |
Creative Team
Kanika Ambrose | Playwright |
Virgilia Griffith | Director |
Curtricia Hector | Assistant Director |
Yehuda Fisher | Lighting Designer |
Kanika Ambrose | Set Designer |
Virgilia Griffith | Set Designer |
Mariah Ventura | Stage Manager |
HAUI | Web Designer |
HAUI | Promo Video |
Toya Ambrose | Graphic Designer |
Yannick Anton | B&W Promo Images |
HAUI | Colour Promo Images |
Tsholo Khalema | Tech Photography |