The Williamson Playboys
Co-Founder: Doug Morency
Co-Founder: Paul Bates
One day in 2001, while at the Second City, Paul Bates and Doug Morency were sitting around trying to figure out what kind of sketch they could come up with using a tuba and a ukulele. The answer was obivous: put on some hats, pretend to be really old, reminice about people and things that never existed, and call it Cajun.
Thus the Williamson Playboys were born. Doug plays Cecil Williamson, Jr., aged 141 years old. Paul plays his father, Rufus. Together they are the oldest living father-and-son Cajun music duo, and they’ve invented every genre of music known to man.
The Williamson Playboys started as an 8-minute sketch in a Second City show. The current record at Second City is 19 minutes, 30 seconds. Now
the Williamson Playboys perform anything from 7 minute sets to 75 minute shows. The songs are written; everything else is improvised.
Produced by The Williamson Playboys
Brother, Can You Spare Some Pants? | July 4th, 2009 – July 12th, 2009 |