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86 Me: The Restaurant Play ()

Produced by


Presented by

The Toronto Fringe Festival

Creator: Jackson Doner
Director: Jackson Doner




July 3rd, 2024 – July 14th, 2024


Welcome to Our Lady Kensington! A failing independent, Kensington Market pub acquired by a stupid corporation.

The staff are strung out, harassing each other, flirting, breaking up, drunk on shift all the time, and generally screwed. A new, young staff member shows up and over the course of one not-so-busy Friday night this group of dusted up hooligans attempt to rekindle the importance of taking care of people, fight for our disappearing urban community spaces, and rediscover the present moment within their weird, shitty jobs. (


Luke Kimball Zach "The New Guy"
Mia Hay Performer
Ben Yoganathan Francois "The Server"
Carson Somanlall Carson "The Supervisor"
Elizabeth Rodenburg Laurie "The Bartender"
Marianne McIsaac Jasmine "The Regular"
Jeff Gruich James "The Owner"

Creative Team

Jackson Doner Creator
Jackson Doner Director
Chris Johnson Dramaturge


Sabrina Pye Stage Manager
Patrick Lynn Production Manager
Teryn Lawson Producer
Jackson Doner Media Contact