A Kitchen Sink Drama (2016)
Produced by
Presented by
Creators: Krystina Bojanowski and Jesse Byiers and Anahita Dehbonehie and Ximena Huizi and Thomas McKechnie and Montgomery Martin and Michael Palumbo and Nicole de Angelis and Michael Reinhart
Director: Ximena Huizi
The Alexander Street Chamber Theatre
February 17th, 2016 – February 20th, 2016
This is play. Kind of. It’s a play you may have been made to read in school. And it’s not.
It’s ritualistic feat of strength. Or maybe it’s not.
That parts up to you.
What we know is that in the theatre you shut up and sit in your chair and listen.
Except when you don’t.
What we know is that the bad things that are going to happen to the characters was destined from the day the writer hit, “Print”.
Expect it isn’t.
This is a play about watching and playing and suffering.
It’s a play. (Show Facebook Event)
Krystina Bojanowski | Performer |
Jesse Byiers | Performer |
Thomas McKechnie | Performer |
Michael Reinhart | Performer |
Creative Team
Krystina Bojanowski | Creator |
Jesse Byiers | Creator |
Anahita Dehbonehie | Creator |
Ximena Huizi | Creator |
Thomas McKechnie | Creator |
Montgomery Martin | Creator |
Michael Palumbo | Creator |
Nicole de Angelis | Creator |
Michael Reinhart | Creator |
Ximena Huizi | Director |
Anahita Dehbonehie | Set Designer |
Montgomery Martin | Projection Designer |
Montgomery Martin | Media Designer |
Michael Palumbo | Media Designer |
Michael Palumbo | Sound Designer |
Nicole de Angelis | Stage Manager |
Suzie Balogh | Venue Technician |