Adventures of a SuperVet Tech (2016)
Produced by
Playwright: Sandra Lean-Leighton
Director: Alexsandra Marzocca
June 2nd, 2016 – June 3rd, 2016
We vet techs are the unsung heroes of the veterinary world and I aim to raise the public profile of this profession by sharing stories of what really goes on “Behind the Furry Curtain”.
It’s a wonderful world in which to work; zany, poignant, heart-warming, bizarre and at times tragic. It takes a very special person to withstand the hard work, and emotional and physical demands of the job. But for those of us who do it, we wouldn’t change it for the world. It is to these fabulous people, my fellow vet techs, that I wish to pay tribute. (sleanleighton.com)
Sandra Lean-Leighton | Performer |
Creative Team
Sandra Lean-Leighton | Playwright |
Alexsandra Marzocca | Director |
Tom Leighton | Musical Director |
Dennis Martin | Art Director |
Charlotte Dean | Banner Artwork |
Jake Roels | Tech Support |