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Bol, Brown Boy, Bol (Speak, Brown Boy, Speak) ()

Produced by

CQC Arts

Presented by

The Toronto Fringe Festival

Creator: Nawaaz Makhani
Directors: Nawaaz Makhani and Tiffany Wu


Blackhurst Cultural Centre


July 4th, 2024 – July 13th, 2024


In this cheeky, heartfelt solo show, a lost millennial GTA brown boy speaks up about the impact of Canadian racism on his identity by weaving storytelling with the rhythms of tabla – a Northern Indian percussion instrument.

Come for the unique blend of storytelling and classical tabla performance. Stay for the musical throwbacks, the playful humour, and a post-show community dialogue with us. Leave feeling seen. (


Nawaaz Makhani Performer

Creative Team

Nawaaz Makhani Creator
Nawaaz Makhani Director
Tiffany Wu Director
Chiranjit Mukherjee, Music Director
Nawaaz Makhani Music Director
Arantza Luna Lighting Designer
Magali Lafleur Set Designer
Christine Wu Sound Designer


Robin McNaughton Production Manager
Tiffany Wu Producer