Crocosmia (2010)
Produced by
Presented by
Theatre Passe Muraille and Farnham Maltings
Director: Alexander Scott
Creators: Shamira Turner and Clare Beresford and Dominic Conway
Bob Nasmith Innovation Backspace
April 14th, 2010 – April 24th, 2010
In a family that is shrinking and a world that is growing bigger, three precocious children attempt to carve out a unique space for themselves and the memory of their parents.
‘Crocosmia’ is an explosion of fast-paced, visual storytelling following the Brackenberg siblings and their attempts to make sense of the world through cake puppetry, romantic slide shows and ingenious bulb experiments, all backed by their parents’ vintage record collection. (littlebulbtheatre.com)
Clare Beresford | Performer |
Shamira Turner | Performer |
Dominic Conway | Performer |
Creative Team
Alexander Scott | Director |
Shamira Turner | Creator |
Clare Beresford | Creator |
Dominic Conway | Creator |