Express Yourself (2011)
Produced by
Events in Real Time and Hub 14
Presented by
The SummerWorks Performance Festival
Creators: Sean O’Neill and Liz Peterson
August 4th, 2011 – August 14th, 2011
A play about connection and the impulse to perform, Express Yourself finds performer Liz Peterson in a studio, searching for a truthful moment. Combining personal stories both real and made up with live projections, improvisation, text, music, and dance, she tries to break down the distance between herself and her audience. (summerworks.ca)
Liz Peterson | Performer |
Creative Team
Sean O’Neill | Creator |
Liz Peterson | Creator |
Ame Henderson | Creator |
Kimberly Purtell | Lighting Designer |
Aurora Stewart de Peña | Additional Choreography |
Cameron North | Art Direction |
Laurie Kang | Photography |