Hiraeth (2019)
Produced by
Presented by
The SummerWorks Performance Festival
Creator: Mandy E. MacLean
Director: Leah Holder
Performer: Mandy E. MacLean
Toronto Media Arts Centre – Gamma Workspace
August 10th, 2019 – August 17th, 2019
Today, in an unnamed group, it’s the woman’s turn to speak. In an intimate and participatory solo performance, you are whisked back to 1999. As one woman encounters her younger self, the fear that surrounded Y2K, one large marine creature, and the soundscape of who she once was, you are asked to become responsive and responsible as she confronts her imagined past and reconciles her feelings of “hiraeth”– a longing for home. (summerworks.ca)
Mandy E. MacLean | Performer |
Creative Team
Mandy E. MacLean | Creator |
Leah Holder | Director (Summerworks) |
Leah Holder | Dramaturge |
Varrick Grimes | Original Director |
Logan Cracknell | Lighting Designer |
Georgia Priestley-Brown | Stage Manager |
Paul de Jong | Vocal Coach |
Emma Westray | Producer |