Minotaur (2008)
Produced by
Director: Christopher Stanton
Created by: Alison McElwain, Christopher Stanton, & the Company
Inspired in part by the book House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
The Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse
May 28th, 2008 – June 14th, 2008
Bits of audio tape. Scraps of film. Torn pages of streaked and illegible journal entries. These and other strange artifacts are all that remain of Nora and Kieran – the last known occupants of an abandoned house known only as “the Underwood property.”
Join us as we piece together the strange journey of a young couple being torn apart by the secrets in their cellar ? a terrible something in the darkness which they each must face… (eventful.com)
Chris Hanratty | Performer |
James Cade | Performer |
Tricia Lahde | Performer |
Creative Team
Alison McElwain | Creator |
Christopher Stanton | Creator |
Christopher Stanton | Director |
Alison McElwain | Assistant Director |
Trevor Schwellnus | Lighting Designer |
Christopher Stanton | Sound Designer |
Lisa Stanton | Slide Show Contributor |
Michael Macku | Slide Show Contributor |
E.J. Bellocq | Slide Show Contributors |
Heather Braaton | Stage Manager |