Mr and Mrs Alexander: Sideshows & Psychics (2014)
Produced by
Presented by
Playwrights: David Ladderman and Lizzie Tollemache
Director: Mike Friend
Tarragon Theatre – Extra Space
July 4th, 2014 – July 12th, 2014
1888. New Zealand. Mr Alexander bent objects with his mind. Mrs Alexander solved crimes with telepathy. Crowds gasped at their heart stopping finale – The Possum Trap. Meet the most notorious couple in colonial showbiz. (Toronto Fringe Program, 2014).
David Ladderman | Performer |
Lizzie Tollemache | Performer |
Creative Team
David Ladderman | Playwright |
Lizzie Tollemache | Playwright |
Mike Friend | Director |
Robbie Ellis | Composer |