Sweet Kisses – Tender Limbs (2019)
Produced by
Presented by
Creators: Julianne Dransfield and Katelin Richards
Bob Nasmith Innovation Backspace
July 4th, 2019 – July 14th, 2019
“Do I think I’m a good mother? Yes. Could I be better? No.”
A collection of opinions on motherhood, spanning from the undeniably beautiful to the frighteningly hopeless. A story of a woman and her journey through the early stages of motherhood and her lonely battle against a nameless horror within, told through recorded interviews, poetry, song, clown and conversation. (fringetoronto.com)
Julianne Dransfield | MOM |
Katelin Richards | mom |
Creative Team
Julianne Dransfield | Creator |
Katelin Richards | Creator |
Lidia Foote | Lighting Designer |
Lidia Foote | Sound Designer |
Christopher Legacy | Creative Contributor |
Lidia Foote | Stage Manager |
Joshua Skrupskas | Producer |
Christopher Haliburton | Producer |