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The First Jew In Canada: A Trans Tale ()

Presented by

The Toronto Fringe Festival

Playwright: S. Bear Bergman


The Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre – The Al Green Theatre


July 4th, 2024 – July 14th, 2024


The First Jew in Canada is a storytelling performance mapping the life of Jacques LaFargue (b. 1718). Through the lens of nine verifiable facts, trans Jewish storyteller S. Bear Bergman weaves Jacques’ historical records with his own personal narrative, finding surprising resonance, exciting differences, and a few laughs along the way. (


S. Bear Bergman Performer

Creative Team

S. Bear Bergman Playwright


j wallace skelton Primary Research
Adra Magidsohn ASL Interpreter (July 6th)
Francine Gillis ASL Interpreter (July 10)