The Yellow Ribbon (2015)
Produced by
Musical Works in Concert and Theatre 20
Presented by
Book: Sara Farb
Lyricist: Sara Farb
Music: Jesse Farb
August 20th, 2015 – August 23rd, 2015
A musical adaptation of a classic folktale about a young woman who, strangely, always wears a yellow ribbon around her throat. She wears it for her entire life, careful to never reveal the reason why, until one night, her husband can no longer contain his curiosity. (musicalworksfestival.com)
Deann deGruijter | Chorus |
Brittany Kay | Ellie |
Megan Poole | Chorus |
Sabryn Rock | Mother / Chorus |
Adam Sanders | Peter |
Lauren Toffan | Chorus |
Creative Team
Sara Farb | Book |
Sara Farb | Lyricist |
Jesse Farb | Music |
Tara Litvack | Music Director |
Tracy Michailidis | Dramaturge |
Dustyn Wales | Stage Manager |