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Tonight! A Clown Who Wanted to be loved? ()

Presented by

The Toronto Fringe Festival

Creator: Andrea Barello


The Solo Room


July 4th, 2024 – July 14th, 2024


Slow-motion boxing, tape measure tangles, wild pizza dancing. In a playful and absurd crescendo, a hopelessly romantic (and sometimes a little naughty) Italian clown who doesn’t speak English tries everything he knows to get the only thing he wants.
To be loved?

Tonight! confronts one of the most classic challenges faced by every clown, and probably by every human: the urge to find love.
The audience is carried joyfully – and sometimes literally – through the quest for love of a romantic clown.
A show that will make you laugh, and maybe cry too. (


Andrea Barello Performer

Creative Team

Andrea Barello Creator