Little Miss Understood (2014)
Produced by
Presented by
Playwrights: Stephanie Fowler and Beatrice Fowler Campbell
Director: Pat O’Connor
St. Volodymyr Institute Theatre
July 3rd, 2014 – July 13th, 2014
A candid and hilarious look at the ‘joys’ of raising a teenager by a real life mother-daughter duo. Beatrice is 14 and deeply misunderstood by her clearly crazy mother, who restricts her freedom, treats her unfairly and embarrasses her in public.
Her mother, having barely survived her own adolescence, isn’t entirely sure how she’ll cope with her daughter. (Toronto Fringe Program, 2014).
Stephanie Fowler | Performer |
Beatrice Fowler Campbell | Performer |
Creative Team
Stephanie Fowler | Playwright |
Beatrice Fowler Campbell | Playwright |
Pat O’Connor | Director |
Cathie Locke | Stage Manager |
Jason Golinsky | Venue Technician |
Eric Read | Venue Technician |
Eric Read | Festival Lighting Designer |