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Bonds Beyond ()

Produced by

Array Music and Glass Reflections Theatre Collective

Playwright: Colleen Osborn
Director: Dorcas Chiu


The Array Space


October 27th, 2016 – October 29th, 2016


This dystopian play is set at Pinnacle Corporation, where the dead don’t die and the bereaved don’t grieve –instead, they aspire to invest in a beta version of a digital afterlife called Summit™. “Your consciousness is a precious commodity.” Tom is the son of the first person to beat death through Summit™; he wants to break free from living in his mother’s shadow. But what options does he have other than spiritual entitlement? (


Timothy Lincoln Tom
Nicole D’Amato Marnie
Tony Ofori Uncle
Lo Bil Celeste
Liz Der Jet
Konstantina Mantelos Nicole
Candi Zell Betty
Susannah Mackay Joanna
Margarita Valderrama Voice Overs
Jane Smythe TYRI

Creative Team

Colleen Osborn Playwright
Dorcas Chiu Director
Alexandra Watt Simpson Show Dramaturge
Cameron Kirk Set Designer
Miquelon Rodriguez Sound Designer
Sanja Vodovnik Script Dramaturge
Julia Howman Production Designer


Giuseppe Condello Stage Manager
Frank Incer Sound Assistant
Alexis Eastman Producer