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Adrenaline ()

Produced by

Theatre Mada

Presented by

The SummerWorks Performance Festival

Playwright: Ahmad Meree
Director: Majdi Bou-Matar


The Theatre Centre – Franco Boni Theatre


August 11th, 2018 – August 19th, 2018


What is more difficult, to stay in danger with your loved ones or to live alone in safety? Adrenaline follows one man for one night, getting ready to celebrate his first New Years Eve in Canada after leaving his war-torn home in Syria. Using objects he has around the house, he unpacks memories of war, and tries to understand the price he has had to pay for his safety in Canada.

أدرينالين تروي حكاية جابر الشاب السوري الذي اضطرته ظروف الحرب في سوريا للّجوء إلى كندا. جابر يحاول الاحتفال بأول ليلة رأس السنة له في كندا بعيداً عن عائلته. كيف يحتفل جابر في الوقت الذي أهله وأقاربه ما زالوا في سوريا؟ ما هو الثمن الذي دفعه جابر مقابل الأمان الذي قدمه له وطنه الجديد كندا؟ (


Ahmad Meree Performer

Creative Team

Ahmad Meree Playwright
Majdi Bou-Matar Director
Majdi Bou-Matar Set Designer
Colin Labadie Sound Designer
Colin Labadie Original Music
Samih Shkeir Song of Haleb
Laura Johnson-Sheratt Lighting Designer


Nivan elSeweify Stage Manager


Navid Amini Venue Technician
Tim Lindsay Venue Technician
John Cabanela Venue Technician
Jennifer Lennon Festival Lighting Designer