Alex Nussbaum’s Handbook to the Future: A Brave New Worrier (2013)
Produced by
Presented by
Playwright: Alex Nussbaum
Director: Pat Thornton
Tarragon Theatre – Extra Space
July 4th, 2013 – July 14th, 2013
The future is heading right towards us. Fast. In his debut solo show, Nussbaum explores the implications of our technological dependence for the purposes of self-”improvement”.
Using monologues, sketches and illustrations, he makes no guarantees for any real solutions. But at least there’ll be jokes. (fringetoronto.com)
Alex Nussbaum | Performer |
Creative Team
Alex Nussbaum | Playwright |
Pat Thornton | Director |
Kaitlin Hickey | Venue Technician |
Jason Golinsky | Venue Technician |
Joey Morin | Venue Technician |
Kevin Hutson | Festival Lighting Designer |