Bugzzz – A Cautionary Tale (2012)
Produced by
Creators: Gwen Dobie and William Mackwood
Director: Gwen Dobie
May 31st, 2012 – June 10th, 2012
Imagine a possible future; insects rule the earth. On the crumbling steps of the Paris Opera House, a curious collective of bugzzz find a copy of Puccini’s Tosca. Enthralled by the mystical symbols, but bewildered by the emotions, they risk everything to find some value in the buried and forbidden human legacy.
Bugs were the first life form to crawl out of the primordial ‘soup of creation’ on to dry land. As humans continue to forge a path to what soon may become an uninhabitable planet, many believe insects will be last surviving life form. Their ability to adapt rapidly to climate change, and survive despite ever-diminishing resources, ensures they will be around long after the last mammal expires. (outoftheboxproductions.ca)
Neema Bickersteth | Flit (Firefly / Dragonfly) |
Chris Karczmar | Bott (Stink Bug / Dung Beetle) |
Matthew Romantini | Klik (Stick Bug / Praying Mantis) |
Creative Team
Gwen Dobie | Creator |
William Mackwood | Creator |
Gwen Dobie | Stage Director |
William Mackwood | Director of Design |
Thomas Sandberg | Composer |
Teresa Przybylski | Costume Designer |
Andrew McDowell | Lighting Assistant |
Andrew McDowell | Projection Assistant |
Alyssa Prigioniero | Costume Design Assistant |
Andrew Cleveland | Costume Design Assistant |
Alyksandra Ackerman | Production Manager |
Rochelle Grandmont | Production Manager |
Rochelle Grandmont | Publicity Coordinator |
Alyksandra Ackerman | Publicity Coordinator |
Jimmy Zhang | Graphic Designer |
George Degenkamp | Digital Media Designer |
Alanna McConnell | Production Assistant |
Alanna McConnell | Dresser |
Alyssa Prigioniero | Hat Construction |
Andrew Cleveland | Costume Construction |
Michelle Tracey | Costume Construction Assistant |
Amanda Wong | Hat Construction |
Leslie Norgate | Flit's Hat Creator |
Leslie Norgate | Hat Consultant |
JF Canuel | LED Consultant |
Reza Khanmalek | LED Engineer |
James McKernan | Carpenter |
Vincent Perri | Scenic Painter |
Christie Del Monte | Projection Screen Sewer |
Jimmy Zhang | Poster Design |
Lawrence Packer | Entomologist Consultant |
Amro Zayed | Entomologist Consultant |
Andrew Donini | Entomologist Consultant |