Care (2006)
Produced by
Playwrights: Diane Flacks and Richard Greenblatt
Director: Eda Holmes
April 18 - 23, 2006
April 25th, 2006 – May 28th, 2006
“The important things like love and peace and contentment, those you just have to let happen, right?”
Steve and Ellie are a modern day couple sandwiched between a temperamental baby, high-pressure jobs and an ailing parent in a nursing home. Caught between other people’s needs and their own, this touching and comic story looks at two people trying to find their way back to each other, pulled apart by care. (tarragontheatre.com)
Diane Flacks | Ellie |
Richard Greenblatt | Steve |
Creative Team
Diane Flacks | Playwright |
Richard Greenblatt | Playwright |
Eda Holmes | Director |
John Thompson | Set Designer |
John Thompson | Costume Designer |
Andrea Lundy | Lighting Designer |
Rick Sacks | Composer |
Rick Sacks | Sound Designer |
Alan Dilworth | Assistant Director |
Maria Costa | Stage Manager |
Kinnon Elliott | Apprentice Stage Manager |
Andrea Lundy | Production Manager |
Cylla von Tiedemann | Photographer |
Kilby Smith-McGregor | Graphic Designer |
J. Louis Berenguer | Carpentry Crew |
Arras Hopkins | Carpentry Crew |
Michael Kruse | Carpentry Crew |
Dan Kurek | Carpentry Crew |
Ryan McDougall | Carpentry Crew |
Matthew Marshall | Carpentry Crew |
Allan Day | Electrics Crew |
Matthew Marshall | Electrics Crew |
Dan McIlmoyl | Electrics Crew |
Fiona Kennedy | Electrics Crew |
Fiona Kennedy | Painting Crew |
Penny Schledewitz | Painting Crew |
Mike Ledermueller | Mainspace Technician |
Chris Carlton | Technical Director |
Gillian Rode | Head of Properties |
Lindsay Anne Black | Head Painter |
Ian Chappell | Head Carpenter |
Jolene Antle | Head of Wardrobe |