Eonnagata (2010)
Produced by
Presented by
Creators: Sylvie Guillem and Robert Lepage and Russell Maliphant
November 18th, 2010 – November 19th, 2010
Career diplomat, part-time soldier and amateur spy, Charles de Beaumont, Chevalier d’Éon, was familiar with both honour and defeat, with glory as well as exile. Beyond the romance of his life, what stands out is his extraordinary audacity. Éon was probably the first spy to use cross-dressing in the pursuit of his duties. This earned him a variety of enemies, including Louis XVI, who forced him to wear a dress all the time. Eventually people no longer knew whether he was a man or a woman.
The creators of Eonnagata asked the question differently. What if Charles de Beaumont was both man and woman? Midway between theatre and dance, Eonnagata pits the fan against the sword, the courtesan against the swordsman. But it also explores the embodying of one sex by the other in what is more an investigation of gender than of sexuality. The work draws on Onnagata, a Kabuki theatre technique that enables actors to represent women in a highly stylized fashion, shedding new light on the Chevalier d’Éon and revealing that his enigma is perhaps the mystery of human identity itself. (lacaserne.net)
Robert Lepage | Performer |
Russell Maliphant | Performer |
Sylvie Guillem | Performer |
Creative Team
Sylvie Guillem | Creator |
Robert Lepage | Creator |
Russell Maliphant | Creator |
Michael Hulls | Lighting Designer |
Alexander McQueen | Costume Designer |
Jean-Sébastien Côté | Sound Designer |
Felix Dagenais | Assistant Director |
Patrick Caux | Assistant Dramaturge |
Louis-Xavier Gagnon-Lebrun | Assistant Lighting Designer |
Isabel Poulin | Head of Wardrobe |
Richard Hansen | Wig Head |
Pierre Robitaille | Bunraku Head |
Louis-Xavier Gagnon-Lebrun | Lighting Manager |
Felix Dagenais | Stage Manager |
Isabel Poulin | Props Manager |
Claude Cyr | Sound Manager |
Eric Gauttron | Technical Director |
Eric Gauttron | Head Stagehand |
Eric Gingras | Production Manager |
Eric Gingras | Tour Manager |
Olivier Lunardi | Martial Arts Trainer |
Tobie Horswill | Technical Consultant |
Catherine Guay | Technical Consultant |
Louisa Blair | Translator |
Sandra Bellefoy | Translator |
Michel Bernatchez | Producer |
Vanessa Landry-Claverie | Production Assistant |
Marie-Pierre Gagne | Production Assistant |
Seán Baker | Interim Production Manager |
Rupert Degruchy | Head Carpenter |
Doug Fraser | Assistant Carpenter |
Tony Vecchi | Flyman |
Michael Guy | Head Propmaster |
Richard Karwat | Head Electrician |
Chuck Thiel | Assistant Electrician |
Ross Tuskey | Head Sound |
Ben Volmer | Assistant Sound |