Getting to Room Temperature (2015)
Produced by
Centre for Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies and The Room Temperature Collective
Playwright: Arthur Milner
Director: Arthur Milner
November 13th, 2015 – November 15th, 2015
In February 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that desperately suffering patients have a constitutional right to doctor-assisted suicide. Now, a new Parliament has been elected and doctor-assisted suicide is sure to become an issue of debate in the coming months. Getting to Room Temperature is timely and vital, a response to a question that lies at the heart of our lives: “What makes a good death?”
Getting to Room Temperature charts the beautiful life and poignant death of Milner’s mother, while engaging audiences in a daring, personal, and great debate of our time. In a tour-de-force performance, Bockstael guides the audience through a minefield of emotional and ethical turmoil, and brings a much-needed conversation to the Canadian stage. (playwrightsguild.ca)
Robert Bockstael | Performer |
Creative Team
Arthur Milner | Playwright |
Arthur Milner | Director |
Martin Conboy | Designer |
Maureen Labonté | Dramaturge |
Sue Fijalkowska | Costumes |
Jenny Salisbury | Assistant Director |
Jessica Watkin | Stage Manager |
Jenny Salisbury | Producer |
Paul Stoesser | Technical Director |
Rebecca Biason | Communications / Events / Facilities Coordinator |
Tita Kyrtsakas | Production Assistant |
Danielle Alfaro | Production Assistant |
Jenny Salisbury | Researcher |