Maracatu You! (2014)
Produced by
Presented by
The SummerWorks Performance Festival
Creator: Suzanne Roberts Smith
Director: Suzanne Roberts Smith
Co-created by the Ensemble
The Theatre Centre – Franco Boni Theatre
August 9th, 2014 – August 17th, 2014
From the streets to the stage and back again. From the Northeast of Brazil to Queen St. West in Toronto. From outsider to insider. From folklore to future. From slave nation, to coronation, to liberation!
Led by Juno-nominated singer-songwriter Aline Morales and created by critically acclaimed actor Suzanne Roberts Smith (NOW’s 2013 Fringe Outstanding Performance & Production, Offensive to Some), this multi-disciplinary piece showcases the sounds of Maracatu and illuminates the integrity of its musical migration journey by honouring both its Afro-Brazilian roots and the contemporary narratives of the people playing it in Toronto today. MARACATU YOU! is an investigation in displacement, replacement, and finding ‘home’ in the most unlikely of places. As Maracatu reincarnates in our own streets, its essence remains to uplift, transform and unite. It is a celebration in the face of oppression. (summerworks.ca)
Aline Morales | Performer |
Suzanne Roberts Smith | Performer |
Lani Milstein | Performer |
Amanda Paixao | Performer |
Mari Palhares | Performer |
Ana Maria Higuera Tirado | Performer |
Simin Seury | Performer |
Raja Shankar | Performer |
Gina Minugh | Performer |
Martha Rangel | Performer |
Maria Helena Carvalho | Performer |
Erica Pẽna | Performer |
Abby Browne | Performer |
Lucia de Xango | Performer |
Becky Sora | Performer |
Lyba Spring | Performer |
Ed Ford | Performer |
Linda Brown | Performer |
Creative Team
Suzanne Roberts Smith | Creator |
Suzanne Roberts Smith | Director |
Aline Morales | Musical Director |
Mari Palhares | Assistant Musical Director |
Amanda Paixao | Choreographer |
Michelle Ramsay | Lighting Designer |
Juliana Nogueira | Translator |
Hanae Baruchel | Translator |
Steve Webster | "Rise Up" Writer |
Lauri Conger | "Rise Up" Writer |
Lynne Fernie | "Rise Up" Writer |
Lorraine Segato | "Rise Up" Writer |
Billy Bryans | "Rise Up" Writer |
David Arcus | Additional Musical Arrangements |
Suzanne Roberts Smith | Additional Musical Arrangements |
Lani Milstein | Additional Music Arrangments |
Jabu Morales | Poema |
Jennifer Lee | Stage Manager |
Suzanne Roberts Smith | Producer |
Lani Milstein | Creative & Production Consultant |
Ana Maria Higuera Tirado | Creative Consultant |
Lani Milstein | Vocal Coach |
Alejandra Higuera | Photographer |
Francisco Mejia | Graphic Designer |
Alex Bordokas | Historical blogs & Maracatu Consultant |
Lucia de Xango | Candomble Representative & Consultant |
Angelica Reyes Fraga | Orixá Artwork |
Nick Rose | Venue Technician |
Tim Lindsay | Venue Technician |
Shanna Miller | Venue Technician |
Michelle Ramsay | Festival Lighting Designer |