Montparnasse (2011)
Produced by
Groundwater Productions and Theatre Passe Muraille
Creators: Maev Beaty and Erin Shields
Director: Andrea Donaldson
Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspace
March 17 - 19, 2011
March 22nd, 2011 – April 2nd, 2011
Awards & Nominations
Dora Awards
Best New Play — Nomination
Best Performance in an Ensemble — Nomination
Best Costume Design — Nomination
Exposing us to the artists of the time, such as Jules Pascin, Henry Miller, Sylvia Beech, Kiki de Montparnasse, Chaim Soutine and the muses who inspired them, Montparnasse invites you to peek behind the canvas and discover the clandestine world of nude models in 1920s Paris. As Amelia & Margaret leave Canada to enter a world brimming with Bohemian writers and artists, they are engulfed by their desire for truth, passion and power. (passemuraille.on.ca)
Maev Beaty | Performer |
Erin Shields | Performer |
Creative Team
Maev Beaty | Creator |
Erin Shields | Creator |
Andrea Donaldson | Director |
Kristy Kennedy | Assistant Director |
Andy Moro | Lighting Designer |
Jung-Hye Kim | Set Designer |
Jung-Hye Kim | Costume Designer |
Thomas Ryder Payne | Sound Designer |
Gideon Arthurs | Producer |
Jessica Beaulieu | Associate Producer |
Dini Conte | Stage Manager |
Verne Good | Production Manager |
Joanna Bennett | Performance Interpreter / Interpreter Project Advisor |
Anita Harding | Deaf Community Consultant |
Peter Eaton | Venue Technician |