Strolling Player (2013)
Produced by
Presented by
Playwrights: Richard Sheridan Willis and Heidi Reimer
Director: Robert Richmond
Tarragon Theatre – Extra Space
July 3rd, 2013 – July 13th, 2013
At his father’s theatre on the island of Guernsey, a boy watches a play, entranced…and remembers his future. Opening night in London’s West End. A backstage brawl and a wedding ring, flung into a parking lot. Grueling tours across America. Falling off the stage, and falling in love. Dr. Who, Oscar Wilde, Richard Burton, and Shakespeare. Always, Shakespeare. (fringetoronto.com)
Richard Sheridan Willis | Performer |
Creative Team
Richard Sheridan Willis | Playwright |
Heidi Reimer | Playwright |
Robert Richmond | Director |
Dougal Rose | Composer |
Leah Reimer | Designer |
Lisa Dent-Couturier | Producer |
Lucas Wilson | Technical Director |
Rachael Newbigging | Assistant Stage Manager |
Kaitlin Hickey | Venue Technician |
Jason Golinsky | Venue Technician |
Joey Morin | Venue Technician |
Kevin Hutson | Festival Lighting Designer |