Swan (2016)
Produced by
Filament Incubator and Little Black Afro Theatre Company
Playwright: Aaron Jan
Director: Aaron Jan
Bob Nasmith Innovation Backspace
November 4th, 2016 – November 13th, 2016
Gruesome, spine-tingling, and unrelenting, Swan follows a group of young queer women as they piece together a vicious, disturbing episode from their school days 10 years ago. What starts as a reluctant club reunion becomes a frenzied attempt to wake up from a nightmarish revisiting of the past. Performed in episodic, storytelling vignettes, Swan explores the idea of growing up coloured in a predominantly white neighbourhood, the journey of discovering home as the second generation children of immigrants, and how the feeling of cultural inferiority can twist people into suburban monsters. (https://www.facebook.com/events/207803629631884/)
Michelle Chiu | Bill |
Isabel Kanaan | Rachel |
Bria McLaughlin | Joey |
Marina Moreira | Jenna Lynn |
Christine Nguyen | Piper |
Angela Sun | Ron |
Creative Team
Aaron Jan | Playwright |
Aaron Jan | Director |
Lucy Powis | Dramaturge |
Aram Heydarian | Set Designer |
Aram Heydarian | Costume Designer |
Samuel Chang | Lighting Designer |
Kevin Feliciano | Sound Designer |
Logan Cracknell | Stage Manager |
Cole Vincent | Production Manager |
Steph Raposo | Technical Director |
Liam Barstow | Assistant Technical Director |
Andrew Pieroni | Promotional Videographer |
Jordan Laffrenier | Promotional Photographer |
Cesar Ghisilieri | Production Photographer |
Erika Madsen | Graphic Designer |
Luke Reece | Producer |
Dylan On | Producer |