The Other (2016)
Produced by
Company Blonde Dance Projects and Pyretic Productions
Presented by
Playwright: Matthew Mackenzie
Director: Monica Dottor
The Theatre Centre – BMO Incubator
May 3rd, 2016 – May 14th, 2016
haron has a reputation.
Sharon has a weakness for a certain kind of man.
Sharon’s partners have all had one thing in common.
Sharon makes the best pickles you could imagine.
A Canadian raised in India, Sharon returned to small town Alberta as a teenager and has never felt like she belonged anywhere. This feeling of alienation has only been compounded by the fact that Sharon has never been in a ‘normal’ relationship. (pyreticproductions.ca)
Monica Dottor | Performer |
Lara Ebata | Performer |
Natalie Fullerton | Performer |
Alida Nyquist-Schultz | Performer |
Holly Treddenick | Performer |
Creative Team
Matthew Mackenzie | Playwright |
Monica Dottor | Director |
Monica Dottor | Choreographer |
Dylan Trowbridge | Assistant Director |
Iris Turcott | Dramaturge |
Lyon Smith | Sound Designer |
Monica Dottor | Set Designer |
Monica Dottor | Costume Designer |
Charissa Wilcox | Stage Manager |
James Fisher | Set Builder |
Max Telzerow | Photography |
Rebecca Vandevelde | Venue Technician |