In Full Light (2007)
Produced by
Presented by
The SummerWorks Performance Festival
Playwright: Daniel Karasik
Director: Natasha Mytnowych
August 3rd, 2007 – August 11th, 2007
Claire flew up the windshield, beautifully. And Leon drove the car. And Marshall saw it happen. But Ben and Lola saw nothing. And now nobody’s sleeping well. A play about looking, longing, and the cost of making contact. (2007 Summerworks Festival Program)
Tom Barnett | Ben |
Monica Dottor | Claire |
David Ferry | Leon |
Brendan Gall | Marshall |
Gina Wilkinson | Lola |
Creative Team
Daniel Karasik | Playwright |
Natasha Mytnowych | Director |
Natasha Mytnowych | Designer |
André Du Toit | Lighting Designer |
Lyon Smith | Sound Designer |
Lyon Smith | Music |
Monica Dottor | Choreographer |
Jennifer Dowding | Stage Manager |
Joy Lachica | Stage Manager |
Verne Good | Venue Technician |
Shanna Miller | Venue Technician |
Gavin Fearon | Festival Lighting Designer |