Heaven Above Heaven Below (2013)
Produced by
Duchess Productions and Theatre Passe Muraille
Playwright: Linda Griffiths
Director: Karen Hines
Bob Nasmith Innovation Backspace
November 14th - 16th, 2013
November 14th, 2013 – December 7th, 2013
Twenty years after dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, a couple run into each other at the wedding of a mutual friend. Her boyfriends couldn’t make it. His wife and young son are in bed. They meet in her room. There is wine, then scotch, then weed, then coke, then sex.
Linda Griffiths told the first half of the story in her play The Darling Family, which shocked and moved Theatre Passe Muraille audiences in 1991. If The Darling Family was last rites, Heaven Above Heaven Below is the wake. (theatrepassemuraille.on.ca)
Linda Griffiths | He |
Layne Coleman | She |
Nicky Guadagni | She, Understudy |
Creative Team
Linda Griffiths | Playwright |
Karen Hines | Director |
Rebecca Picherack | Lighting Designer |
Kimberly Purtell | Set Designer |
Greg Morrison | Music Consultant |
Georgina Beaty | Assistant Director |
Rae Johnson | Oil Painting |
Peter Sherk | Stage Manager |
Josh Hoodless | Crew |
Cory MacMillan | Crew |
Rebecca Vandevelde | Crew |
Christopher Ross | Venue Technician |
Jason Golinsky | Production Manager |