Lysistrata: a play with music (2007)
Produced by
Playwright: Aristophanes
Director: Tabby Johnson
January 17th, 2007 – January 27th, 2007
Kate Hodgert | Lysistrata |
Robbie Morgan | Calonice |
Maarika Pinkney | Myrrhine |
Kara Dymond | Lampito |
James Everett | Leader of the Chorus of Men |
Irena Huljak | Leader of the Chorus of Women |
Luke LaRocque | Athenian Magistrate / Ariston |
Carey Graham | Cinesias / Laches-Absentius |
Kevin Dowse | Spartan Herald |
Sarah Michelle Brown | Efthalia |
Susannah Handley | Parthenia |
Nina Kaye | Penelope |
Kate Lai | Delphine |
Danielle I. Szlawieniec-haw | Reconsiliation |
Creative Team
Aristophanes | Playwright |
Tabby Johnson | Director |
Morgan Norwich | Assistant Director |
Jennifer Bunt | Costume Designer |
Alexandra Prichard | Lighting Designer |
Alasdair James | Mask Designer |
Paul Templin | Set Designer |
Sherri Catt | Fabric Design Consultant |
Ulysses Castellanos | Video Designer |
Clarence Ford | Choreographer |
Ingrid Abbott | Choreographer |
Rick Sacks | Musical Director |
Orin Issacs | Musical Contributions |
Rob Piltch | Musical Contributions |
Michael Shand | Musical Contributions |
Wayne St. John | Musical Contributions |
Teresa Tova | Musical Contributions |
Paul Templin | Executive Producer |
Doug Floyd | Production Manager |
Stephanie Nakamura | Stage Manager |
Maria Vilegas | Assistant Stage Manager |
Jonathan Peters | Technical Director |
Larissa Palaszczuk | Key Makeup Artist |
Monika Dembowy | Lighting Operator |
Christopher Wilson | Sound Operator |
Andrew MacLeod | Video Operator |
Adrienne Ceaser | Wardrobe Assistant |
Robyn Cook | Wardrobe Assistant |
Doug Floyd | Publicity & Marketing |
Michel Mersereau | Graphic Designer |