Next to Normal (2012)
Produced by
Music: Tom Kitt
Book: Brian Yorkey
Lyrics: Brian Yorkey
Director: Kate Stevenson
Tarragon Theatre – Extra Space
June 7th, 2012 – June 17th, 2012
Next to Normal is a groundbreaking contemporary musical about a family in crisis struggling for normalcy. It’s an honest and brave account of a mother’s search for wellness and how her illness affects her family. (clearwatertheatre.com)
Kathryn Akin | Diana |
Jay Davis | Dan |
André Morin | Henry |
Adrian Marchuk | Dr. Madden / Dr. Fine |
Sara Farb | Natalie |
James Daly | Gabe |
Creative Team
Tom Kitt | Music |
Brian Yorkey | Book |
Brian Yorkey | Lyrics |
Kate Stevenson | Director |
Rachel Forbes | Set Designer |
Robert Pittman | Music Director |
Liz Maraston | Lighting Designer |
Alison Ho | Costume Designer |
Robert Pittman | Drums |
Lauren McGee | Piano |
Nick Tateish | Guitar |
Mark McKie | Bass |
Rachel Forbes | Stage Manager |
Liz Maraston | Tech Director |
Jordan Pipher | Props |
Jordan Pipher | ASM |
Stephanie Lemoine | Graphic Designer |
David Brown | Marketing |
Julia Gallagher | Marketing |
Rob Nelson | Production Photography |