Our Fathers, Sons, Lovers and Little Brothers (2022)
Produced by
Black Theatre Workshop and Tarragon Theatre
Playwright: Makambe K. Simamba
Director: Donna-Michelle St. Bernard
Tarragon Theatre – Extra Space
March 8th, 2022 – April 10th, 2022
Slimm, a seventeen-year-old Black boy in a hoodie suddenly finds himself in the first moments of his afterlife. He calls out for God. God does not respond. What happens next is a sacred journey through the unknown, as Slimm grapples with the truth of the life he lived and the death he didn’t choose.
Our Fathers, Sons, Lovers and Little Brothers is a protest for all Black life beyond headlines and hashtags, a prayer for all families left behind, and a promise to the community that all Black lives matter. (tarragontheatre.com)
Makambe K. Simamba | Performer |
Creative Team
Makambe K. Simamba | Playwright |
Donna-Michelle St. Bernard | Director |
Trevor Schwellnus | Set Designer |
Trevor Schwellnus | Video Designer |
Andrea Lundy | Lighting Designer |
Diana Reyes | Sound Designer |
Maddie Bautista | Original Music Composition |
Shakeil Rollock | Choreographic Consultant |
daniel jelani ellis | Artistic Consultant |
Sandi Becker | Stage Manager |
Tristynn Duheme | Technical Director (Black Theatre Workshop) |
Amber Hood | Touring Technical Director (Black Theatre Workshop) |
Gerry Egan | Production Manager |
Kai Masaoka | Technical Director |
Julia Hodgson-Surich | Head of Wardrobe |
Andrew Chute | Head Carpenter |
Frank Donato | Video Production Coordinator |
David Mallette | Extraspace Technician |
Fina MacDonell | Properties |
Tim Hill | Properties |