Safe and Sorry (2019)
Produced by
Presented by
The SummerWorks Performance Festival
Creators: Lauren Gillis and Alaine Hutton
Director: Chelsea Dab Hilke
The Theatre Centre – Franco Boni Theatre
August 9th, 2019 – August 16th, 2019
“Don’t hate the game, don’t hate yourself.”
Keith Much is an ethical, savvy man who teaches a pragmatic dating and pick-up seminar. He coaches men through problems with body language, social cues, erotic performance, and communication in their relationships with women. Sudden online popularity floods his class with challenging students from the darker corners of the internet, leading him to do the ill-advised: Keith Much reads the comments. (summerworks.ca)
Lauren Gillis | Performer |
Alaine Hutton | Performer |
Angela Blumberg | Performer |
Creative Team
Lauren Gillis | Creator |
Alaine Hutton | Creator |
Chelsea Dab Hilke | Director |
Kelly Anderson | Sound Designer |
Angela Blumberg | Choreographic Coaching |
Steven Conway | Music |
Peter Demas | Film Design |
Lauren Gillis | Costume Designer |
Alaine Hutton | Costume Designer |
Mel Hague | Dramaturge |
Wesley McKenzie | Lighting Designer |
Wesley McKenzie | Video Designer |
Steven Conway | Musician |
Laura Philipps | Stage Manager |
Fides Krucker | Vocal Coaching |
Adam Lazarus | Consulting Direction |