The Refuge of Freidel (2016)
Produced by
Aluna Theatre and the Freidel Collective
Presented by
Playwrights: Liliana Suárez Henao and Beatriz Pizano
Director: Beatriz Pizano
The Theatre Centre – BMO Incubator
January 20th, 2016 – January 23rd, 2016
From Colombia’s Avant-Garde theatre to Toronto’s after-hours service industry, Liliana puts a face and a name to the refugee experience. Liliana weaves her experiences of forced displacement, arrival, and her journey as an artist in Canada, with the plays of controversial Colombian theatre-maker, and her director, Jose Manuel Freidel: an artist who fought against his society’s indifference toward injustice. Freidel was assassinated a few blocks away from his beloved theatre at the age of 39. (thisisprogress.ca)
Liliana Suárez Henao | Performer |
Creative Team
Liliana Suárez Henao | Playwright |
Beatriz Pizano | Playwright |
Beatriz Pizano | Director |
Victoria Mata | Movement |
Victoria Mata | Assistant Director |
Trevor Schwellnus | Scenographer |
Christopher Stanton | Sound Designer |
Carlos González-Vio | Translator (To English) |
Sebastian Marziali | Titles |