Unknown Soldier (2014)
Produced by
Architect Theatre and lemonTree Creations
Presented by
The SummerWorks Performance Festival
Playwright: Jonathan Seinen
Director: Jonathan Seinen
Bob Nasmith Innovation Backspace
August 9th, 2014 – August 16th, 2014
A soldier is held in solitary confinement. Every 5 minutes, the guards ask ‘Are you okay?’ Unknown Soldier is a one-person play that chronicles the events that find an Army Private, who acted according to their convictions, awaiting their sentence. A fictionalized drama, Unknown Soldier is inspired by the actions of Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning, a US Army Private who leaked classified documents to Wikileaks, exposing political corruption and questionable military violence, arguably fueling the Arab Spring and the Occupy movement. By confronting themes of freedom, identity, and secrecy, the play asks: How does one live in the contemporary world with integrity? (summerworks.ca)
Ho Ka Kei (Jeff Ho) | Army Private |
Creative Team
Jonathan Seinen | Playwright |
Jonathan Seinen | Director |
Charlotte Corbeil-Coleman | Dramaturge |
Jung-Hye Kim | Set Designer |
Jung-Hye Kim | Costume Designer |
Jennifer Lennon | Lighting Designer |
Thomas Ryder Payne | Sound Designer |
Indrit Kasapi | Choreographer |
Marc Benson | Stage Manager |
Indrit Kasapi | Producer |
Georgina Beaty | Producer |
Jonathan Seinen | Producer |
Chris Malkowski | Venue Technician |
Chris Malkowski | Festival Lighting Designer |
David Fisher | Venue Technician |