What I Learned From a Decade of Fear (2014)
Produced by
Creators: Beatriz Pizano and Trevor Schwellnus and Lyon Smith
Director: Trevor Schwellnus
October 30th, 2014 – November 30th, 2014
Awards & Nominations
2015 Dora Award Nominee (Independent Theatre Division) – Outstanding New Play (Beatriz Pizano, Trevor Schwellnus, Lyon Smith)
A Karmic Accounting / Interrogation Ritual to atone for a decade of repression, war, and paranoia. A friendship is tested by culling incriminating details from an average life through confession, surveillance, and interrogation. Will this verify the new maxim of the modern security age, that everyone is guilty of something? Who pays for this guilt? For this security? (alunatheatre.ca)
Beatriz Pizano | Performer |
Trevor Schwellnus | Performer |
Lyon Smith | Performer |
Creative Team
Beatriz Pizano | Creator |
Trevor Schwellnus | Creator |
Lyon Smith | Creator |
Trevor Schwellnus | Director |
Trevor Schwellnus | Dramaturge |
Trevor Schwellnus | Scenographer |
Lyon Smith | Composer |
Lyon Smith | Sound Designer |
Ame Henderson | Choreographic Consultant |
Erin Gerofsky | Costume Consultant |
Sebastian Marziali | Assistant Director |
Carlos González-Vio | Surtitle Translator |
Olimpia Boido | Surtitle Translator |
Trevor Schwellnus | Photography |
Sue Balint | Producer |