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Daughter ()

Produced by

Pandemic Theatre and QuipTake and The Theatre Centre

Playwright: Adam Lazarus
Co-Creators: Adam Lazarus and Ann-Marie Kerr and Jivesh Parasram and Melissa D’Agostino


The Theatre Centre – Franco Boni Theatre


November 7th, 2017 – November 19th, 2017


Both hysterical and disturbing, Daughter plays in the liminal space between autobiography and fiction. It is a darkly satirical piece about a father stuck in a moment of confusion—raised in patriarchy, confronting his new identity as a patriarch/father, and not knowing how to operate in the world. Daughter is a true thought disrupter that will leave you charged and ready to talk.

Daughter interrogates questions of culpability and complicity in our society. It examines the subtle and not so subtle ways we condone and encourage misogyny; “boys will be boys”.

Welcome to Daughter: a show that exposes the hypocrisies and complexities of the human experience. (


Adam Lazarus Performer

Creative Team

Adam Lazarus Playwright
Adam Lazarus Co-Creator
Ann-Marie Kerr Co-Creator
Jivesh Parasram Co-Creator
Melissa D’Agostino Co-Creator
Melissa D’Agostino Assistant Director
Richard Feren Composer
Richard Feren Sound Designer
Michelle Ramsay Lighting Designer
Rebecca Vandevelde Associate Lighting Designer


Rebecca Vandevelde Production Stage Manager
Adam Lazarus Producer for Quiptake
Jivesh Parasram Producer for Pandemic Theatre
Tom Arthur Davis Producer for Pandemic
Aislinn Rose Creative Producer for The Theatre Centre
Alejandro Santiago Photography
Gord Simmons Crew
Ian Kelly Crew
Michael Ahn Crew
Navid Amini Crew


Navid Amini House Technician
Tim Lindsay Technical Director
Billy Wolf Director of Production