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Hamlet ()

Produced by

Canadian Stage

Playwright: William Shakespeare
Director: Jessica Carmichael


High Park Amphitheatre


July 21-24, 2024


July 21st, 2024 – September 1st, 2024


Dive into the electrifying world of Shakespeare’s timeless masterpiece, helmed by Jessica Carmichael (Stratford, Shaw, Blyth) with a fantastic ensemble of players. Set amidst the tumultuous backdrop of political intrigue and familial betrayal, this iconic tale follows the tormented Prince of Denmark as he grapples with existential questions of life, death, and revenge. (


Prince Amponsah Barnardo/Player
Raquel Duffy Gertrude
Christo Graham Guildenstern/Second Gravedigger/Osric
Stephen Jackman-Torkoff Horatio
Sam Kalilieh Polonius/Priest
Qasim Khan Hamlet
Breton Lalama Marcellus/Player
Beck Lloyd Ophelia
Diego Matamoros Cladius
Dan Mousseau Laertes
Amelia Sargisson Rosencrantz/Gravedigger
James Dallas Smith Ghost/Player/Doctor

Creative Team

William Shakespeare Playwright
Jessica Carmichael Director
Joshua Quinlan Set Designer
Joshua Quinlan Costume Designer
Logan Cracknell Lighting Designer
Christopher Ross-Ewart Sound Designer
Anita Nittoly Fight Director


Anna R. Kaltenbach Stage Manager
Meghan Speakman Assistant Stage Manager
Kayla Thomas Apprentice Stage Manager
Emily Johnston Casting Consultant
Nancy Benjamin Vocal Coach
Lisa Karen Cox Movement Coach
Tim Welham Text Coach
Brandon Wells Sound Engineer Consultant
Ben Junor Head Technician
Ki Karl Tilander Lighting Technician
Gordon Nesbitt Audio Technician
Adriana DeAngelis Dresser
Carly Beamish Stitcher
Erin Halls Stitcher
Ilana Harendorf Stitcher