Heretic (2015)
Produced by
Playwright: Sare Thorpe
Directors: Sare Thorpe and Scott Dermody
Bob Nasmith Innovation Backspace
November 11th, 2015 – November 22nd, 2015
While only a young teenager, Joan of Arc (the anglicized version of her proper name, Jeanne D’Arc) , the illiterate da ughter of modest peasants, began to hear what she believed to be divine voices who instructed her to lead the French forces against the English in the ongoing Hundred Year’s War . With many of her countrymen convinced of her claim to be a force sent by God, she was embraced by the nobility and the military elite , and became both a leader on the front lines of battle – donning the same masculine garments and armour as her male counterparts – and a n inspirational figurehead across France . After making pivotal gains agai nst the English, she was ultimately captured and charged with heresy for her declarations of supernatural communication – and for wearing men’s clothes . Des pite putting up a n impassioned and theologically profound defense, she was found guilty by the English – led court and burned at the stake , forever cementing her status as a martyr and a legend . HERETIC illuminates this iconic character in a fresh new light by presenting Joan not as a religious saint or zealot, but as a complex and headstrong yet fallible young woman who dared to declare herself an equal, challenge d the patriarchal power structure of the time , and remained unwavering in her principles despite the ultimate consequences. (Show Press Release)
Sare Thorpe | Performer |
Creative Team
Sare Thorpe | Playwright |
Sare Thorpe | Director |
Scott Dermody | Director |
Justin Haigh | Dramaturge |
Alyksandra Ackerman | Scenographer |
Randy Lee | Lighting Designer |
Wesley McKenzie | Sound Designer |
Jakob Ehman | Original Sound Design |
Melanie Hrymak | Fight Choreographer |
Kathleen Hemsworth | Stage Manager |
Wesley McKenzie | Production Manager |
Scott Dermody | Producer |
Justin Haigh | Producer |
Julia Weinland | Producer |
Christopher Ross | Venue Technician |