Malaria Lullaby (2011)
Produced by
Candles Are For Burning Theatre & Music and Company Blonde Dance Projects and Femmes du Feu and Playground Studios
Presented by
The SummerWorks Performance Festival
Creator: Monica Dottor
Choreographer: Monica Dottor
Directors: Monica Dottor and Steven McCarthy
Based on a short story by Charlotte Corbeil-Coleman
Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspace
August 4th, 2011 – August 14th, 2011
A girl in a foreign country wakes with a fever. Everything is not as it would seem – sometimes it can be wilder and worse and more beautiful than you can imagine. She will get on a plane, arrive in her destination, be bitten by a malaria ridden bug, and undergo a terrible fever before she recovers. We view the story through her fevered lens into a darkly whimsical land of robotic stewardesses, assertive angels of mercy and an unstoppable greek chorus of infected mosquitos. (companyblonde.com)
Michelle DeBrouwer | Performer |
Holly Treddenick | Performer |
Lara Ebata | Performer |
Natalie Fullerton | Performer |
Julye Huggins | Performer |
Allison Bradbury | Performer |
Creative Team
Monica Dottor | Concieved by |
Monica Dottor | Choreographer |
Monica Dottor | Director |
Steven McCarthy | Director |
Charlotte Corbeil-Coleman | Original Short Story |
Beth Kates | Production Designer |
Ben Chaisson | Production Designer |
Holly Treddenick | Aerial Rigging & Design |
Monica Dottor | Costume Designer |
Beth Kates | Costume Designer |
Michelle DeBrouwer | Costume Designer |
Melissa Joakim | Design Assistant |
Melissa Joakim | Stage Manager |
Suzie Balogh | Carpenter |
Suzie Balogh | Production Assistant |
David Fisher | Venue Technician |
Peter Eaton | Venue Technician |
Peter Eaton | Festival Lighting Designer |