Morro and Jasp Do Puberty (2010)
Produced by
Up Your Nose and In Your Toes Productions
Creators: Heather Marie Annis and Byron Laviolette and Amy Lee
Director: Byron Laviolette
Bob Nasmith Innovation Backspace
March 16th, 2010 – March 20th, 2010
Clown sisters Morro and Jasp are at that age where the hormones are always flaring, the telephone is always ringing, and the punk rock can never be too loud. As Morro attempts to learn about feminine hygiene products, bras and fashion, all Jasp can think about is the boy of her dreams. (morroandjasp.com)
Heather Marie Annis | Morro |
Amy Lee | Jasp |
Creative Team
Heather Marie Annis | Creator |
Byron Laviolette | Creator |
Amy Lee | Creator |
Byron Laviolette | Director |
Kevin Hutson | Lighting Designer |
Heather Marie Annis | Set Designer |
Heather Marie Annis | Costume Designer |
Amy Lee | Sound Editing |
Byron Laviolette | Stage Manager |
Derrick Chua | Consulting Producer |
Lisa Plekhanova | Poster Design |
Alex Nirta | Photography |
Lauren McGill | Photography |
Byron Laviolette | Program Design |
David DeGrow | Venue Technician |