Name In Vain (Decalogue Two) (2011)
Produced by
Playwright: André Alexis
Director: Richard Rose
Tarragon Theatre – Extra Space
October 4th, 2011 – October 30th, 2011
A monk, in a fit of rage, breaks both his vow of silence and the Second Commandment. His curse throws his monastic brotherhood into an upheaval that tests the strength of their faith. (tarragontheatre.com)
Walter Borden | Monk 2 |
Sergio Di Zio | Monk 3 |
Dean Gilmour | Monk 4 |
Richard McMillan | Monk 1 |
Eric Goulem | Monk 5 |
Creative Team
André Alexis | Playwright |
Richard Rose | Director |
John Gzowski | Sound Designer |
Kimberly Purtell | Set Designer |
Kimberly Purtell | Lighting Designer |
John Gzowski | Music |
Nicola Benidickson | Stage Manager |
Jeffrey Dale | Script Coordinator |
Joey Morin | Extra Space Technician |
Victoria Harrop | Head Scenic Artist |
Cylla von Tiedemann | Photographer |
Brendan Gilhuly | Carpentry Crew |
Joey Morin | Carpentry Crew |
Vanessa Janiszewski | Props Assistant |
Kevin Winson | Carpentry Crew |
Dan MacEachern | Carpentry Crew |
Lisa Fox | Carpentry Crew |
Tom Baranski | Head Carpenter |
Michelle Bailey | Head of Wardrobe |
Eleanor Antoncic | Interim Production Manager |
Paul Fujimoto-Pihl | Technical Director |
Lokki Ma | Head of Properties |