No Strings (Attached) (2016)
Produced by
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre and Eventual Ashes and Pink Pluto
Director: Gein Wong
Writer: Sunny Drake
The Alexander Street Chamber Theatre
March 16th, 2016 – March 26th, 2016
No Strings (Attached) is a smart, fast-paced take on dating in the age of social media and technology that blends first-person confessional stories with interactive video and sound. It follows Jimmy, a self-confessed romance addict, as he shares his struggle to find a meaningful relationship in a world obsessed with monogamy and unsure of what to keep from mainstream relationship models and what to re-invent. At once personal and political, Jimmy’s romantic tragedies found in his own jealousy and high expectations, as much as in the larger social forces that impact the ways we love each other. (Buddies in Bad Times)
Sunny Drake | Performer |
Jackie Cooper | Romance-aholic Anonymous Greeter |
Jarrod Clegg | Romance-aholic Anonymous Greeter |
Creative Team
Gein Wong | Director |
Sunny Drake | Writer |
Joe Pagnan | Set Designer |
Joe Pagnan | Costume Designer |
Michelle Ramsay | Lighting Designer |
Jade Lee Hoy | Immersive Space Designer |
Gein Wong | Video |
Laura Warren | Video |
Alex Williams | Video |
Hisayo Horie | Video |
Njo Kong Kie | Composer |
Catherine Hernandez | Dramaturge |
Ann Powell | Puppet Director |
Mario Piñon | Consultant |
Jazz Kamal | Cabaret Technician |
Beth Wong | Stage Manager |
Shawn Henry | Props Assistant |
Joce Tremblay | Props Assistant |
Erica Meyers | Props Assistant |
Jenny So | Props Assistant |
Michelle Tracey | Stitcher/Builder |
Sage Willow | ASL Interpreter |
Tala Jalili | ASL Interpreter |
Bee Sack | Audience Development |
Miquelon Rodriguez | Pre-Show Sound |