The Best Plan for Living Happily (2016)
Presented by
Questionmark-Exclamation Theatre and Birdtown and Swanville
Playwright: Julia Lederer
Director: Aurora Stewart de Peña
April 7th, 2016 – April 23rd, 2016
Violet’s best friend Linda is getting married. There are tea sommeliers and ribbon colourists. But Violet feels a grey hole expanding in her gut and isn’t sure what to do about it. Inspired by Plato’s Cave Allegory and a Toronto Caving Society meeting, she brushes off her bridesmaid responsibilities and ventures into a cave alone, in pursuit of concrete wisdom. But it’s hard being in a cave by yourself. Especially when someone follows you there.
Rebecca Applebaum | Linda |
Michael Eisner | Performer |
Julia Lederer | Violet |
Creative Team
Julia Lederer | Playwright |
Aurora Stewart de Peña | Director |
Slater Manzo | Sound Designer |
Jim Stewart | Sound Designer |
Kristina McNamee | Lighting Designer |
Kristina McNamee | Projection Designer |
Aurora Stewart de Peña | Costumes |
Mark Aikman | Props |
Jill Holmberg | Graphic Designer |
Mark Aikman | Producer |