The Normal Heart (2012)
Produced by
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre and Studio 180 Theatre
Playwright: Larry Kramer
Director: Joel Greenberg
The Alexander Street Chamber Theatre
October 19th, 2012 – November 18th, 2012
The story of a society in denial between 1981 and 1984, The Normal Heart unfolds like a real-life political thriller, as a tight-knit group of friends refuses to let doctors, politicians and the press bury the truth of an unspoken epidemic behind a wall of silence.
A quarter-century after it was written, this outrageous, unflinching and totally unforgettable look at the beginning of the AIDS crisis remains one of the theatre’s most powerful evenings ever. (studio180theatre.com)
John Bourgeois | Ben Weeks |
Mark Crawford | Craig Donner / Grady / Orderly |
Martin Harper | Bruce Niles |
Ryan Kelly | Mickey Marcus |
Mark McGrinder | David / Hiram Keelber / Examining Doctor/Orderly |
Jeff Miller | Felix Turner |
Sarah Orenstein | Dr. Emma Brookner |
Jonathan Seinen | Tommy Boatwright |
Jonathan Wilson | Ned Weeks |
Creative Team
Larry Kramer | Playwright |
Joel Greenberg | Director |
Verne Good | Sound Designer |
Kimberly Purtell | Lighting Designer |
John Thompson | Set Designer |
John Thompson | Costume Designer |
Michelle Bailey | Associate Costume Designer |
Angela McQueen | Makeup Design |
Daniel Bennett | Intern Director |
Awoba Bob-Manuel | Apprentice Director |
Robert Harding | Stage Manager |
Sarah Bustard | Assistant Stage Manager |
Suzanne McArthur | Assistant Stage Manager |
Adrien Whan | Production Manager |
Katie Horrill | Head of Properties |
Michelle Bailey | Head of Wardrobe |
Ryan Wilson | Carpenter |
Mattea Kennedy | Scenic Artist |
Robert Harding | Photography |
John Karastamatis | Photography |
Karri North | Photography |
John Karastamatis | Marketing |
John Karastamatis | Public Relations |
Allan Day | Crew |
Verne Good | Crew |
Kevin Hutson | Crew |
Jazz Kamal | Crew |
Doug Morum | Crew |
Katherine Smith | Crew |
Alex Tigchelaar | Crew |
Jill Tormac | Crew |
Charissa Wilcox | Crew |
Lindy Zucker | Crew |