Lela & Co. (2017)
Produced by
Discord and Din Theatre and Seventh Stage Theatre Productions
Playwright: Cordelia Lynn
Director: Melissa-Jane Shaw
The Theatre Centre – Franco Boni Theatre
September 21st, 2017 – October 8th, 2017
And as for what came next, things unspoken and untold until now, Lela’s story untold in its entirety, it happened like this…
Based on a true story, Lela & Co. gives space for a woman to be able to tell her story of being brought into sex trafficking by her husband during a time of war. Starting off as a seemingly innocuous telling by Lela of her childhood, Lela & Co. dives headfirst into this while also exploring “truth” in storytelling, who gets to tell whose story, and the resiliency of the human spirit. (theatrecentre.org)
Jenna Harris | Performer |
Graham Cuthbertson | Performer |
Creative Team
Cordelia Lynn | Playwright |
Melissa-Jane Shaw | Director |
Claire Hill | Stenographer |
Jazz Kamal | Lighting Designer |
Verne Good | Sound Designer |
Laurie Merredew | Stage Manager |
Brittany Kay | Associate Producer |
Brittany Kay | Education |
Sarah “Pip” Bradford | Production Manager |
Kinnon Elliott | Graphic Designer |