Spent (2010)
Produced by
Bad New Days performing arts and Theatre Smith-Gilmour and Why Not Theatre
Playwright: Michele Smith and Dean Gilmour and Ravi Jain and Adam Paolozza
Directors: Michele Smith and Dean Gilmour
October 29th, 2010 – November 28th, 2010
A two-person comedy highly acclaimed for its fast paced, intelligent and poetic commentary on the greed that caused the financial crises. At the heart of this clown / buffoon piece is the story of two financial executives who have lost everything in the crash and jump from a building. Winner of the Dora Award for Best Performance (Toronto), two actors play 20 characters from around the world in this physical and comedic tour de force. Created in collaboration with three seasoned international physical theatre companies, this show will have you laughing all the way to the bank. (theatrewhynot.org)
Ravi Jain | Performer |
Adam Paolozza | Performer |
Creative Team
Michele Smith | Playwright |
Dean Gilmour | Playwright |
Ravi Jain | Playwright |
Adam Paolozza | Playwright |
Michele Smith | Director |
Dean Gilmour | Director |
André Du Toit | Lighting Designer |
Adam Paolozza | Sound Designer |
Heather Thompson | Stage Manager |
Himanshu Sitlani | Assistant Stage Manager |
Virginia Leigh | Production Assistant |
Erika Rueter | Publicity |
Mina Mikhail | Graphic Designer |
Jackie McAlpine | Graphic Designer |
Bryan Eaton | Venue Technician |