Pelee (2008)
Produced by
Presented by
The SummerWorks Performance Festival
Playwrights: Lauren Taylor and Erin Brandenburg
Director: Lauren Taylor
The Great Hall – Longboat Hall
August 8th, 2008 – August 17th, 2008
Pelee, an exiting new production combining animation, electric power, failed inventions, and original live music performed on fantastical instrumental creations. Pelee examines the mysteries of the past and value of forgotten places (2008 Summerworks Festival Program)
Erin Brandenburg | Performer |
Andrew Penner | Performer |
Gordon Bolan | Performer |
Dave McEathron | Performer |
Creative Team
Lauren Taylor | Playwright |
Erin Brandenburg | Playwright |
Lauren Taylor | Director |
Andrew Penner | Musical Director |
Iner Souster | Set Design |
Iner Souster | Instrument Designer |
Howie Shia | Designer |
Howie Shia | Images |
Monica Dottor | Movement |
Dave McEathron | Band |
Leah-Simone Bowen | Stage Manager |
Kevin MacDonald | Production Manager |
Kevin MacDonald | Set Construction |
Justine Handler | Publicity Assistant |
Ed Gass-Donnelly | Publicity Photos |
Iner Souster | Production Photos |
Iner Souster | Video |
Katherine Smith | Venue Technician |
Jonathan Rooke | Venue Technician |
Rebecca Picherack | Festival Lighting Designer |