An Enemy of the People (2015)
Produced by
Playwright: Henrik Ibsen
Adapter: Florian Borchmeyer
Translator: Maria Milisavljevic
Director: Richard Rose
Originally adapted for the Schaubuhne (Berlin)
October 7 - 13, 2015
October 7th, 2015 – November 1st, 2015
Dr. Stockmann has made a shocking discovery – her town’s local baths are contaminated with industrial waste – but to go public with it will spell the end of the town’s prosperity. With her reputation and relationships at stake, Dr. Stockmann must choose the right course of action. Censored scientists, environmental crises, the pitfalls of democracy, and anarchist manifestos – An Enemy of the People is as alive now as it was in 1882. (tarragontheatre.com)
Tom Barnett | Aslaksen |
Laura Condlln | Dr. Stockmann |
David Fox | Kiil |
Kyle Mac | Hovstad |
Tamara Podemski | Katarina Kiil |
Rick Roberts | Peter Stockmann |
Lyon Smith | Billing |
Creative Team
Henrik Ibsen | Playwright |
Florian Borchmeyer | Adapter |
Maria Milisavljevic | Translator |
Richard Rose | Toronto Staging |
Jason Hand | Lighting Designer |
Thomas Ryder Payne | Sound Designer |
Michelle Tracey | Set Designer |
Michelle Tracey | Costume Designer |
Marinda de Beer | Stage Manager |
Sam Hale | Apprentice Stage Manager |
Liz Maraston | Crew |
Kai Masaoka | Crew |
Joey Morin | Crew |
Aidan Shepherd | Crew |
Eleanor Antoncic | Production Manager |
Chris Carlton | Technical Director |
Kevin Hutson | Head Carpenter |
Kathleen Johnston | Head of Wardrobe |
Jennifer Laws | Mainspace Technician |
Care Robertson | Head of Properties |
John Thomson | Interim Technical Director |